Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One of THOSE Days.

Yup. It was one of those days. Or should I say it's been one of those months? Maybe 2 months? Lets just say... work is totally giving me ulcers. Ok, maybe not ULCERS, but it is nothing less than stressful.

Between girls kicking holes in the wall, having to put girls holds, girls breaking things (on purpose), obnoxious parents, and straight up craziness, I am in need of a BREAK.

This is what work does to me. Oye.

Want to hear something great? Jamie (my cousin.. for those of you who aren't related and read this blog) is now working with me! And she is wonderful enough to work for me on Friday so I can have a MUCH needed break. Yeah, family does rock :)

Jamie, Jason, me, and Leah in Chile.

Even though work stresses me out... it is also a great experience for me. While some girls are still having some pretty extreme problems, others have made huge changes since I have been there. Seeing that growth and the happiness in their eyes is what keeps me going.

Everyday I become more and more grateful for my family, and more specifically my parents. They raised me right, simple as that. I owe who I am and where I am today to them.

My parents. Don't know what I'd do without them!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Watch This. No, Really, Do It.

My best friends mom posted this on Facebook. I'm now obsessed. Watch it from start to finish--you won't regret it.

2 months before Chris Medina and his fiance were supposed to get married she got in a terrible accident that caused brain damage. He still, to this day, takes care of her. Such an amazing song. There really are good people in this crazy world :)

Not many music videos have actually made me cry. This one did the trick. I love it. Lots.