Friday, October 21, 2011


Today while sitting at work I've had a lot of time to think (yes, it's only been 2 hours of sitting... but I still have 8 more to go! Lots of thinking time!). Here are a few of my thoughts:
  • I wish people could just be happy all the time. No up's and down's. Just smiles on faces.
  • While I was talking to my visiting teacher yesterday, she reinforced the whole "be an example" idea. I wish people, including myself, were better examples to everyone around.
  • I am thankful for the examples I have had in my life to get me to this point.
  • Pinterest is taking over my life. Especially on days like today.
  • Money. It's a terrible thing. I hate that it's so necessary for survival. I've seen what a lot, and a little, can do to people--I don't envy either case.
  • No matter how much I complain about school or work, I've got a pretty good setup going. A wonderful husband who loves me more than anything, a good job that I learn from everyday, an education, and so much more.
And, those are just a few of my thoughts as of 8:50am. It's amazing how much time you have to think when you have to be to work by 7am :)