Sunday, November 14, 2010

We can NOT wait...

Until .:.JANUARY.:.
When we get to go {here}

To watch this kid play FOOTBALL

At {this} pretty cool game

& had planned on partying here for a bit
But it closes on the 2nd, and we get there the 7th.

{Have you ever been to San Antonio? What should we do/see?}

P.S...My family caught me watching football yesterday--without Colton. He's totally brainwashing me ;)


  1. OMG I have a list of places to go and places to eat!!!! YOU KNOW I DO!!:)

  2. Soooo I found your blog through Bethany's ... I hope you don't mind! Sooo we live in Houston... and have been to San Antonio once... and LOVED it! You're gonna have SOOO much fun. It's such a nice city. Visit the Alamo for sure. The Riverwalk is just gorgeous... you could spend hours walking around and stopping in to eat at restaurants. Most of the food we ate there was Mexican and it was all amazing. We took a little tour boat ride through the Riverwalk which was super fun.. And it wasn't too expensive... ride the trolley, go to the Riverwalk mall, visit the Spanish market... it's just a great city :)
    (there's also six flags, sea world, and a water park... but we haven't tried any of those out yet...)

  3. I'm going to echo what a lot of people have said already. The Riverwalk is pretty awesome, if you're in San Antonio, you have to visit The Alamo, and there's a Mexican restaurant called La Fogata ( that was really good.

  4. Hi Paige and Colton--stole your blog link from Alesha's guys are so cute, love ya!!
