Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Finals are usually terrible, and completely exhausting. However this semester seems to be, dare I say it, enjoyable?

Ok, not all my finals. Just one.

I took a "Moral Foundations of the Family" class this semester. Everything I learned was stuff I felt like I already knew, but hearing it put into words brought it all to life for me.

Everything about the class was so simple, yet life changing.

For the final we were instructed to pick a topic, any topic (finances, parenting, communication, etc.) and develop a lesson plan for that topic that implements ideas from a moral theorist point of view. This assignment (and class) has captivated me.

Summary of my final? Parents talking to their adolescents about substance abuse.
Moral of the story? Parents, be good people and an example to your children.
They DO look up to you.

In thinking up my lesson plan, I came up with a few examples of this:

Jeffrey And I

Ava and I

Mace-Moo and I
Hailey and I

Kaylee and I -- Look Beth! I found one with one of your kids! :)

While I am not a parent to any of them, I can still be an example to them. Kids need examples in their lives.

Be the person you want your children to be.
Can you even begin to imagine what a better place the world would be if everyone took this idea to heart?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Crafty Person In Me

I was forced to be crafty. My grade depended on it. The requirement? Make a religious item to display in your home. Religious item? An FHE chart.

The finished product.

We figure we'll need it someday in the future, so why not make it for class? Besides, it counted as a project for Colton's accounting class as well (He kept track of the cost, time spent, etc...). Win-win-win situation? (My grade-Colton's grade-Cute FHE chart) I'd say so.


P.S. Kim, are you so proud of how quickly I blogged about it? I did it just for you. Thank goodness you'll soon be able to just get the mass picture text about these sorts of things :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Observation of Pregnant People

No, I'm still not pregnant. But, this picture seemed appropriate for what I am about to tell you.

But FIRST, for those of you who don't know the story behind this picture, it was on mine and Colton's honeymoon. Yes, Kim came and visited. She was only here from Chile for a week, so she came and took us to lunch and we went shopping. Since Kim was prego last summer, she wanted to go into Motherhood Maternity. Yeah, no idea how they talked me into taking this picture. Talk about embarrassing.

Now, the point of this blog post is this: As I am sitting here, bored in class, I began to observe those around me. Here is what I observed of us Zoobies:
  • 2/4 girls right by me are pregnant, and I'm speculating about others nearby and their pregnancy status as well.
And that is all I have observed. It is way too distracting of a statistic to me.

And now... back to paying attention to class and learning about our fellow Muslim friends.