Monday, September 24, 2012

We Moved!

So, I know my last post said we weren't moving until December... but SURPRISE! We moved about 3 weeks ago :) Here's the background of it all...

So one delightful day Colton and I were driving around Provo. I DESPISE fall/winter traffic in Provo. There's just WAY too many people for my liking. So I said to Colton "We have GOT to get out of Provo!!!" Well, not even 2 minutes later Colton's phone rang, and it was the guy who owns the apartment we moved into, telling us it was opening up early! Needless to say, we were very excited about it :) 

So, we hurried and sold our contract to the apartment we were in, packed up all our crap, and moved to American Fork! It's all put together except pictures on the walls... so I'm not going to take any pictures until that is done. But really, it's a great apartment. HUGE, really.

The best part about this move?

  1. I got to quit work. (It's a long drive to Spanish Fork from here... not really worth it. Plus, kind of a stressful job for a pregnant lady. Plus, I'm doing a bit of babysitting for our landlord... and it would've interfered with work)
Here's what we've purchased thus far:

 This lovely dresser....

 Along with this one. This is what we'll use as the changing table.
 This mosquito net/ Canopy. I've always wanted to put one over the crib :)

And we have yet to purchase this... but at least I know which one I want!! The lovely crib :) 

Oh, and all is well with our little baby girl :) I get super freaked out when I don't feel much kicking (which is pretty much always, since I'm only 25 weeks), but she kicks just enough that I know she's there! Love her already :) 

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