Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do you....

Ever feel like this?
That's how I'm feeling right now.

Remember that new job? They offered me a promotion.

Why the stress? I'm completely under qualified. I've only been there a month. I still ask question after question. But, apparently they see something in there that made them offer me the promotion.

So, thank you New Haven for believing in me. Next step? Making myself believe that I can do it.

Oh, but I promise my life isn't completely full of stress.
See? Nothing stressful about this :) This was taken at my friends reception.

Tay Bev (One of my besties from high school) got married. She was a beautiful bride!
Friends from HS. So fun being together again!

Congrats Tay Bev! So excited for the 2 of you! I can't wait to come and visit you and get to know Robb!


  1. Wahoo!! Congrats on the promotion!! It's because you are so awesome and the girls must just love you! You will be great!
