Monday, December 12, 2011

The Little Things

It is important for me to remember the good little things at work in order to forget the big bad things. This became evident to me awhile back, but especially today.


One of the girls at work (we'll call her C) has been driving me absolutely mad. Too the point of telling her therapist that he had to choose between me and her, because I just could not deal with her anymore. He has been working with me to better understand C and what is going on with her, which in turn has helped me to better work with her and hold boundaries with her.

So C is normally incredibly hard to get out of bed in the mornings. When I say hard, I mean "Get up, or I'll help you get up" type of hard.

So today?

She got up, with very little prompting (Just a quick "Hey girls it's time to get up"), and came out and handed me a birthday present that she had made for me. She was so excited to give it to me, and according to other staff had spent a majority of her weekend working on it. SO thoughtful.

It's these little moments that help me (somewhat) keep my sanity while at work.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Must. See. This.

As I was sitting in the theater today waiting to watch  Breaking Dawn (don't judge... I didn't have to pay for any of it and all I did was make fun of it), this lovely little trailer was shown.


And I just had to post it here so that when it finally comes out I won't have forgotten about it :)

Also, the highlights of Breaking Dawn:
  • Bella only smiles when she sees Jacob.. so why not marry him?
  • The werewolves. They had this awesome conversation... so captivating.
  • Truly inspiring graphics when Bella finally changes to a vampire.
And, the list could go on... but I'll try not to bore you. And on that note I'll leave you with this:

(Just in case you thought I was actually serious about those highlights.)

Friday, October 21, 2011


Today while sitting at work I've had a lot of time to think (yes, it's only been 2 hours of sitting... but I still have 8 more to go! Lots of thinking time!). Here are a few of my thoughts:
  • I wish people could just be happy all the time. No up's and down's. Just smiles on faces.
  • While I was talking to my visiting teacher yesterday, she reinforced the whole "be an example" idea. I wish people, including myself, were better examples to everyone around.
  • I am thankful for the examples I have had in my life to get me to this point.
  • Pinterest is taking over my life. Especially on days like today.
  • Money. It's a terrible thing. I hate that it's so necessary for survival. I've seen what a lot, and a little, can do to people--I don't envy either case.
  • No matter how much I complain about school or work, I've got a pretty good setup going. A wonderful husband who loves me more than anything, a good job that I learn from everyday, an education, and so much more.
And, those are just a few of my thoughts as of 8:50am. It's amazing how much time you have to think when you have to be to work by 7am :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One of THOSE Days.

Yup. It was one of those days. Or should I say it's been one of those months? Maybe 2 months? Lets just say... work is totally giving me ulcers. Ok, maybe not ULCERS, but it is nothing less than stressful.

Between girls kicking holes in the wall, having to put girls holds, girls breaking things (on purpose), obnoxious parents, and straight up craziness, I am in need of a BREAK.

This is what work does to me. Oye.

Want to hear something great? Jamie (my cousin.. for those of you who aren't related and read this blog) is now working with me! And she is wonderful enough to work for me on Friday so I can have a MUCH needed break. Yeah, family does rock :)

Jamie, Jason, me, and Leah in Chile.

Even though work stresses me out... it is also a great experience for me. While some girls are still having some pretty extreme problems, others have made huge changes since I have been there. Seeing that growth and the happiness in their eyes is what keeps me going.

Everyday I become more and more grateful for my family, and more specifically my parents. They raised me right, simple as that. I owe who I am and where I am today to them.

My parents. Don't know what I'd do without them!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Watch This. No, Really, Do It.

My best friends mom posted this on Facebook. I'm now obsessed. Watch it from start to finish--you won't regret it.

2 months before Chris Medina and his fiance were supposed to get married she got in a terrible accident that caused brain damage. He still, to this day, takes care of her. Such an amazing song. There really are good people in this crazy world :)

Not many music videos have actually made me cry. This one did the trick. I love it. Lots.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Yes, this really happened.

Colton learned how to crochet at the Wilkey Family Reunion. Thanks to Grandma Burgener for being such a wonderful teacher :)

Best part about this? "I Do What I Like" (on the back of his hat)... while crocheting.

Yes. I love my husband. He's so domestic :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Winnie The Pooh

Hilarious. And yes, it's Colton that showed me this clip and is dying to see the movie. Oh, how I love my awesome husband :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh, How I LOVE My Job. I think.

Work today was awesome. I got to sprint after a run-away girl for about a mile, and then got to squat for about 20 minutes while I had her in a hold. Really, does it get any better than that? Too bad all I have to show for my awesomeness is some claw marks and some sore thighs.

So pretty much we've been having some problems with one of the girls, and she has had to be put in multiple holds over the past several weeks. Some how I've always avoided being involved in these holds, but today was pay back for missing out on all of the previous ones.

To start things off, though, I just have to tell you a tender mercy that happened. I normally wear flip flops to work, because I'm a flip flop girl. For some reason, though, this morning I decided to wear some different shoes (Bob's... they are knock-off Tom's. They rock). Honestly, I think the Lord knew that today I would need different shoes, and that's why the thought came to wear them.

So anyways... Back to today. So I was following this girl around outside and I knew something was up. I called to have another staff come out and help. Needless to say, this girl took off into a dead sprint. There was no way we could catch her. She ran to an incredibly busy highway and started running out into the lanes. Luckily, she didn't get hurt. We finally were able to catch her and somehow got her into a hold (Not one that they had taught us. We definitely made it up--but it worked. haha) We had her on her stomach.. me on one side, the other staff on the other, and her therapist on her legs (Her therapist had shown up in a vehicle by this point). We were still having a hard time keeping her down, but luckily a random guy pulled over and helped us. During this time it was hot, we were on a busy and dangerous road, and I got some awesome claw marks. Remember that during this entire hold I was squatting. Talk about PAINFUL. It was about a 20 minute hold before another staff got there to relieve me of it.

Needless to say, I am tired. My legs hurt. And I learned I really need to start working out.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1 Year!

Yup, that's right. Colton and I have already been married for an entire year! A lot of stuff has happened during the past year. Mostly we have learned a lot about each other. Here is what I have learned about my husband:
  • He is the most patient man I know. (You'd have to be to put up with me 24/7)
  • He has a strong testimony.
  • He is loving.
  • He is kind.
  • He is a hard worker.
  • He wants nothing more than for me to be happy--always.
  • He can cook. (Way better than I can.)
  • He speaks an amazingly sexy language. (Who doesn't love Italian?)
  • He is forgiving.
  • He is understanding.
  • He makes my shopping habit worse. (Because he always wants me to buy the stuff I try on--I love it. haha)
  • He yells at the TV while watching sports.
  • He is unselfish.
  • He likes to crochet.
  • He loves my family.
  • He has an amazing family.
  • He is amazing.
  • He is perfect for me.
Plus, I'm sure so much more. It's amazing what you can learn in a year. I can't wait to see what else there is to learn during the rest of forever. I love you, Colton! Happy 1 year!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do you....

Ever feel like this?
That's how I'm feeling right now.

Remember that new job? They offered me a promotion.

Why the stress? I'm completely under qualified. I've only been there a month. I still ask question after question. But, apparently they see something in there that made them offer me the promotion.

So, thank you New Haven for believing in me. Next step? Making myself believe that I can do it.

Oh, but I promise my life isn't completely full of stress.
See? Nothing stressful about this :) This was taken at my friends reception.

Tay Bev (One of my besties from high school) got married. She was a beautiful bride!
Friends from HS. So fun being together again!

Congrats Tay Bev! So excited for the 2 of you! I can't wait to come and visit you and get to know Robb!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Husband

My husband is a good sport.
He puts up with watching shows like:

{Project Runway}

{So You Think You Can Dance}

{16 & Pregnant}

{Teen Mom}
{Sister Wives--Yes, I admit it. I watch this. And I like it.}

However, just because he puts up with my shows doesn't mean I don't put up with a lot of his shows.
Just to name a few:
{Anything and EVERYTHING on ESPN. Even Golf. No, really. Ask me a sports question, I just might know the answer.}

{The Walking Dead. It's a zombie show. It's disgusting.}
{Teen Wolf. What is it with guys and demony type things? I don't understand.}

So you see, I put up with a lot of shows as well. However, most recently I have made Colton put up with the worst of the worst shows. I truly believe I have. Now, it's not a show that I have ever watched before, nor do I watch entire episodes. I just find the best parts of the episode and make Colton watch it. What is this show?

{The Bachelorette. I know. Gross.}

But really, do you not find Bentley terribly lame, annoying, and rude? While others might be hating this season because of him, he happens to be the ultimate draw for me. What a little gem.

Isn't my husband such a good sport to put up with all of my lame TV shows? :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Job/ Internship!

I spent what felt like {FOREVER} searching for an internship that would be {PERFECT} for me. After numerous interviews, turning offers down, and being selfish by wanting a paid internship, I FOUND ONE!

I have now been working for a couple of weeks at an
{adolescent girls treatment center!}

What do I do there? Hang out with the girls. Whatever they are doing (watching a movie, swimming, sitting and chatting, etc...) I do. So really, I get paid to hangout.

This job/internship is nothing short of an adventure from day to day. Here are a few things that I have gotten to experience in my short time at the center...

  • Girl ripping chunks of hair out.
  • Girl going missing.
  • Being told I'm "not making friends" because I told girls to go to bed... 15 minutes after they were supposed to.
  • Being told I should become a regular staff so I can be there more often. (Wahoo! I think they like me!)
  • Learning I am grateful for enjoying my teenage years.
  • Getting to learn how to put girls in holds/restrain them.
  • Strip searches
  • And the list could go on........................
While most of the stuff should terrify me/make me freak out/make me want to quit.... It actually makes me enjoy the job more, because I know that
{I can make a difference.}

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Finals are usually terrible, and completely exhausting. However this semester seems to be, dare I say it, enjoyable?

Ok, not all my finals. Just one.

I took a "Moral Foundations of the Family" class this semester. Everything I learned was stuff I felt like I already knew, but hearing it put into words brought it all to life for me.

Everything about the class was so simple, yet life changing.

For the final we were instructed to pick a topic, any topic (finances, parenting, communication, etc.) and develop a lesson plan for that topic that implements ideas from a moral theorist point of view. This assignment (and class) has captivated me.

Summary of my final? Parents talking to their adolescents about substance abuse.
Moral of the story? Parents, be good people and an example to your children.
They DO look up to you.

In thinking up my lesson plan, I came up with a few examples of this:

Jeffrey And I

Ava and I

Mace-Moo and I
Hailey and I

Kaylee and I -- Look Beth! I found one with one of your kids! :)

While I am not a parent to any of them, I can still be an example to them. Kids need examples in their lives.

Be the person you want your children to be.
Can you even begin to imagine what a better place the world would be if everyone took this idea to heart?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Crafty Person In Me

I was forced to be crafty. My grade depended on it. The requirement? Make a religious item to display in your home. Religious item? An FHE chart.

The finished product.

We figure we'll need it someday in the future, so why not make it for class? Besides, it counted as a project for Colton's accounting class as well (He kept track of the cost, time spent, etc...). Win-win-win situation? (My grade-Colton's grade-Cute FHE chart) I'd say so.


P.S. Kim, are you so proud of how quickly I blogged about it? I did it just for you. Thank goodness you'll soon be able to just get the mass picture text about these sorts of things :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Observation of Pregnant People

No, I'm still not pregnant. But, this picture seemed appropriate for what I am about to tell you.

But FIRST, for those of you who don't know the story behind this picture, it was on mine and Colton's honeymoon. Yes, Kim came and visited. She was only here from Chile for a week, so she came and took us to lunch and we went shopping. Since Kim was prego last summer, she wanted to go into Motherhood Maternity. Yeah, no idea how they talked me into taking this picture. Talk about embarrassing.

Now, the point of this blog post is this: As I am sitting here, bored in class, I began to observe those around me. Here is what I observed of us Zoobies:
  • 2/4 girls right by me are pregnant, and I'm speculating about others nearby and their pregnancy status as well.
And that is all I have observed. It is way too distracting of a statistic to me.

And now... back to paying attention to class and learning about our fellow Muslim friends.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tiny Wings

Colton and I had a conversation today that went like this:

Paige: I'm obsessed with Tiny Wings. I blame you.
Colton: Lol. :)
Paige: Not funny. I can't stop playing!
Colton: Way funny! Are you good at it yet?
Paige: Yes I've made it past multiple nests :)
Colton: You rock the Tiny Wings world!
Paige: I'm pathetic.

Yes, pathetic I may be. But really. If you haven't played Tiny Wings and you have an iPod Touch/iPhone/Android/etc.... you must buy it. Fully worth the .99 cents. I was a skeptic when Colton first bought it, and now I've never had a better distraction from my 26 pages worth of writing due by next week.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pure Happiness.

Today, I am wearing these shoes

But in this color

And my feet have never been happier.


Most comfy shoes EVER + Only costing $12.80= Pure Happiness

The only thing that could make today better was not having this

Or this

And instead enjoying this

20 days and counting

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I knew I bought this shirt for a reason.

Yeah. Jimmer does rock. So, of course I NEEDED a Jimmer shirt.
(If for nothing else, to prove that I was at BYU during the Jimmer era)

Even with losing Davies, BYU still has a shot of going far this season. Besides, I'm proud of Davies for doing was what right instead of keeping secrets. Truly a great kid. I can't wait to watch him play next season. Mark my word--He'll be back.

I'm proud to go to a school that would rather stand up for it's morals than win a national championship. GO BYU!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Today, I watched the entire BYU vs. SDSU game...

By .M.Y.S.E.L.F.

So the {question} is...

Should I blame this guy?

Or this one?

Either way... it was a great game.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What a Sunday.

Well, obviously by the subject of this blog post you might notice that this is not Paige but Colton. I am, for once and possibly never again, updating our blog. After this post, I might lose my privilege to do so.

I first want to thank Paige, who after 22 years of not watching the Super Bowl, gave in and watched Super Bowl 45 with my parents and I yesterday afternoon. I am a football fanatic and The Steelers are my team.


(For those international readers [mainly Kim and Dave] I will be discussing the Super Bowl so if you have not watched it yet be aware, Spoiler alert!)


The last week has been quit eventful and it was capped off, by what I can honestly admit, was a very good football game and time with family.

I want to begin by thanking my wonderful wife for being patient with my passion for football and my vocal outbursts during games that involve the Steelers or the Bears. She has been very understanding as she has whitnessed this new side of me this last football season. She has even begun to understand football and follow the sport a little (she took second in our Fantasy Football League!) She truely is amazing, and she shows me how much she loves me by showing interest (even if it's fake) in things im interested in.

Now for the game. I am disappointed in my team and the amount of turnovers they game the packers. I am willing to bet that just about any team could of walked onto the field at Dallas on Sunday and, given a 21 point handicap, could have beaten Pitt (including the Cowboys, which is sayin something.)

I do have to give props to the Pack because they obviously played well enough to be that team to have Super Bowl 45 handed to them.

All in all, it was a very good game. Very entertaining, unlike many other past Super Bowls. The team that played better on Sunday won (notice I said the team that played better, not the better team. There is a big difference and the latter isn't true.)

Anyways, the point of this post, more than anything, is to thank my wife for allowing me to love and watch football.. YOU ROCK!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Exciting News!

NO I'm not pregnant...sorry to get your hopes up BUT...

Am I excited? Yes. Beyond. Plus... it's on the second floor.
Do you know what that means?

(Not to mention it's bigger...nicer...newer...has a washer/dryer AND dishwasher... new carpet.... Yeah. It's gonna rock.)

Also, we went to Texas. Pictures to come... someday... maybe... hopefully....